At the end of 2024, life threw us a major curveball. My husband lost his job, and just two weeks later, right before Christmas, he was offered an amazing new opportunity. The catch? It required a major move back to the bush.
We have a beautiful home here in Hervey Bay - it's a lot to leave behind, but there's also so much to be gained. And as a teacher, I can work anywhere. As a writer - even more so!
We said yes and so, have been cleaning, sorting, and packing this massive home of ours in preparation to sell. It's been so busy and so much work.
I have vowed several times to never own such a huge home again, and to clean my oven more than once a year.
Somehow, around all the activity, my writer's life continues, albeit a little slowed down. I have maintained semi-consistent writing habits, and although I have noticed a decrease in my creativity (life stresses have a way of dampening my imagination), I am still pushing onward.
2025 will be the year I take active steps to market my easy-to-read books to schools. There are still tweaks and improvements to be made, but I'm getting closer to a product package I'll be proud to put my name behind. And of course I'm working on my next project.
This year, I am going to rebrand, rename, and revitalize. I thought I had my new brand name nailed, but now, I'm not so sure. I'm sitting on it, thinking on it. Cleaning and thinking. Cleaning and listening to audiobooks. Cleaning and planning my author future. My desire to succeed keeps tapping me on the shoulder. 'Keep going, don't give up.'
So, let's go, 2025!
