So, I’ve been brave and put myself out there on several online author groups, asking
for opinions and constructive criticism about my work.
It’s not an easy thing to do; however, it's a growing thing to do, and I’m glad I took the plunge to expose my weaknesses to people with more experience and expertise than I have (or not...) because some of the advice was gold.
Being blindsided by your own work is a natural thing. When fresh eyes look upon it, glaring illumination occurs. It's confronting to have your weaknesses pointed out and discussed by many, but when the criticism is framed to assist professional growth, it's wonderful and extremely helpful.
As a result of exposing my work to online communities for constructive criticism, I have made some big changes! Two of my book covers are metamorphosing (is this a verb?) and one of my books is undergoing a thorough rewrite. This rewrite was prompted by constructive criticism given by readers and author email friends (not random online people), and it was a pleasure to revisit my work and improve it. Now - because I listened - my easy-to-read series is more cohesive in style and quality.
I also recently underwent the harrowing experience of being read by a very well-established traditional author of considerable repute. We have been writing to one another for about 2 years (after I sent a random fan email), and I took the plunge to share the fact that I was a writer too. I was quaking in my boots, but I knew the feedback I would receive would be grounded in truth, coming from a place of enormous experience and talent.
From this author, I received two five-star reviews on Amazon for 'Second-Hand Life' and 'Pig Girl'. The overarching feedback across the series was honest and excellent. It affirmed my decision to write easy-to-read teen fiction (and more) and helped me identify where I needed to grow.
Now, I would be remiss if I didn't mention that for every five wonderfully constructive comments I received online about my work, there would be one which offended and/or enraged me. Part of the process involved accepting that everyone has an opinion and that permission to share this was explicitly granted. I suppose you need to have a thick skin and understand that nothing good comes of engaging in negative online discourse. And all those excuses and explanations you want to give are really a pointless exercise. The old saying, take it or leave it, certainly comes into play in this forum.
I am definitely going to repeat the process of asking for criticism and advice from my online communities. It pushed me into uncomfortable territory, and this is when growth occurs. I'm an isolated writer, so I need to use my online communities for support, advice, and coaching. I'd be crazy not to benefit from the knowledge and experience of others! One day, I hope I can help other writers as much as I was!

I liked your original book cover but also can understand why you decided to change it up keep up the great writing
Proud of you for putting yourself out there, it is a big deal!! The new covers look fantastic!